Workflow for PCS Reports and Ad-Hoc Routing

There are two types of the Payroll Certification (PCS) e-Document workflow.

Standard Workflow

The standard workflow of the PCS Report is typically two steps. Departmental Payroll Certification Administrator (DPCA) reviews the salaries posted to the award and initiates the PCS document. Then, the document is routed to the PI for certification. Once salaries are certified by the PI, the process ends.

  • DPCA
    Initiates the PCS Report
  • Principal Investigator
    Certifies the PCS Report

Exceptional Approval Workflow

In some cases, additional reviews are added to the standard workflow because an exceptional approval of the Central Payroll Certification Administrator (CPCA) may be required.

  • DPCA
    Initiates the PCS Report
  • CPCA
    Grants exceptional approval
  • DPCA
    Approves the eDoc before it is routed to PI
  • Principal Investigator
    Certifies the PCS Report

The system has been programmed to flag salaries that may have exceeded the NSF two month salary limitation, and salaries that may not be properly aligned with the current DHHS salary cap requirements. Please refer to Exceptional Approval page for more information.

Ad-Hoc Routing to Another Department

If you would like to have a secondary organization review payroll expenses, or if your PI wants a Co-PI to certify the KFS-PCS report, you will need to ad-hoc route the KFS-PCS document to the other department for their review and approval. Ad-Hoc routing the KFS-PCS has the same attribute/workflow as with any KFS document. Below are some tips for Ad-Hoc Routing a KFS-PCS document:

  • Primary Org DPCA: You can sort the Employee Information Tab by Org Code to make it easier to read. Add the secondary org DPCA as an Ad-Hoc Recipient for approval prior to submitting the e-document in KFS. Send the secondary DPCA an email about the ad-hoc routing of the PCS report.
  • Secondary Org DPCA: After the secondary DPCA reviews the eDoc, they should add their Co-PI as an Ad-Hoc Recipient prior to clicking approve.
  • Secondary Org Co-PI: The Co-PI will not be able to click the check box in PI Certification tab. It is only clickable for the primary PI of the award at the PI Workflow Node. All ad-hoc reviewers should use the Approve button at the bottom of the eDoc.
  • Primary Org PI: After the Co-PI ad-hoc approves the eDoc, it will automatically route to the primary org PI as the last step of the standard workflow. They should then click the check box in PI Certification tab and approve the document.