
Barry Oh

Accounting & Fiscal Services

Working closely with campus financial management, Accounting & Fiscal Services ensures the integrity of UCI's financial reporting, enables effective and efficient campus financial processes and controls, and champions compliance with policies, laws, and regulations. We achieve these goals through the Key Functional Teams listed below – each of which offers a robust helpdesk operation, leveraging web guides, in-class training and workshops, and regular communications to provide excellent customer service. We are always working with you and for you. I encourage you to explore our website and let us know how we can improve our support to the Anteater family.

Barry Oh
Assistant Vice Chancellor and Campus Controller

News and Announcements

Keep up on the latest news from Accounting Office departments. See the news archive for more. 
Person using laptop
Financial Management Support
KFS Downtime Over President’s Day Weekend
airplane taking off
Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable & Travel Accounting Update for January
hands raised
Contracts & Grants
Contracts & Grants Fund Accounting Series