Contact Accounting & Fiscal Services

Financial Aid and Scholarships

UCI Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships staff members are the experts on that topic and
can be contacted at 949-824-8262 or

Kuali Financial System Help

Ask your organization's financial expert or contact the KFS Help Desk at or 949-824-7001.

Payroll/Timesheet Help

Employees can find help at the Employee Experience Center (EEC) online or at 949-824-0500. Users can also check the Payroll Office for a selection of help guides.

Mailing Address

University of California, Irvine
Accounting and Fiscal Services
228 Aldrich Hall
Irvine, CA 92697-1050

Accounting Staff Directory

The Accounting & Fiscal Services department is a large unit composed of seven divisions, which administer many of UCI's essential financial functions. Each of these divisions may be further broken down into functional groups. Below is a listing of department staff listed by division and function.

Controller's Office
Name Function Phone
Barry Oh Assistant Vice Chancellor and Controller 949-824-1701
Sheralin Klinthong Associate Controller 949-824-4277
Chloe Hsieh Administration Manager 949-824-9316
Patrick Dutcher Communications Officer 949-824-6822
Demetria Pool Office Manager 949-824-6822


Accounts Payable
Name Function Phone
Tanya Harris Manager 949-824-6788
Vendor Payments
Please send all invoices to
Moana Contreras Vendor Payment Assistant Manager - wire transfers for approval / authorization, check cancellations / reissues, stop payments, refund checks, sales & use tax 949-824-5286
Donna Coulson Xerox, EDI and Vendors starting with letters A, B, C, D 949-824-6824
Carmen Elias Vendors starting with letters E, F, G, H, I 949-824-4512
Blanche (Hea Eun) Jang Vendors starting with letters J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R 949-824-4175
Michelle Du Vendors starting with letters S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Southern California Edison Utility, and FedEx invoices 949-824-0312
Candy Tan Plant accounting documents, sub-contracts, leases, utilities, PI cash advances, wire transfers with purchase orders 949-824-6823
Dariana Meza Mail distribution, credit memo follow-up, returned checks 949-824-5138
Travel, Entertainment, Travel Authorizations-Cash Advances, Move/Relo, Disbursements (DV)
Contact the Travel Team at For Moves and Relocation, Payroll Status: Contact Frank Say:
Margaret Carreras Travel Assistant Manager - Corporate travel card administrator, ConnexUC questions, Move & Relo - policy compliance 949-824-3662
Justin Pabian Travel & Entertainment Reimbursements, DV-disbursement vouchers, foreign wires for DV/TEM, UCI Corporate credit card administrator & reconciliation, hotel contracts, & information 949-824-7623
Arnold Gutierrez Travel (international travel), DV-disbursement vouchers, Travel Authorization - cash advance/reconciliation, Move & Relo - policy compliance 949-824-2098
Jolene Peng Entertainment & Travel Reimbursements (domestic travel), DV-disbursement vouchers, CTS card/travel questions/reconciliation/trainer 949-824-6355
Vendor Onboarding
Contact: for assistance
Lindsay Luke Vendor Coordinator, Vendor Coordinator Help Desk 949-824-4164

Fax: 949-824-2098

Contracts and Grants Accounting
Name Function Phone
Alice Han Director of Extramural Funds 949-824-4509
Accounting and Operations
Need help? Find the Accountant responsible for your award in KFS.
Gigi Bones C&G Manager 949-824-4168
Griselda Duran Accounting & Operations Manager 949-824-6828
Johnny Ochoa C&G Manager 949-824-9239
Vivian Situ C&G Manager 949-824-6259
Alyssa Bui Accountant 949-824-1730
Carlos Gonzalez Accountant 949-824-2093
Vicky (Qianjing) Lu Accountant 949-824-4503
Lisa Nguyen Accountant 949-824-3308
Nha Nguyen Accountant 949-824-9725
Rachel Nguyen Accountant 949-824-5877
Michelle Qian Accountant 949-824-3659
Dan Tran Accountant 949-824-5328
Ashley Vuong Accountant 949-824-3406
Toan Vuong Accountant 949-824-5508
Julia Yang Accountant 949-824-4505
Compliance and Training
Hanieh Abedini Compliance Officer 949-824-6894
Melissa Zavala Compliance Analyst 949-824-6894


Costing Policy and Analysis
Name Function Phone
Contact for assistance.
David Shim Associate Director, Cost Accounting 949-824-6822
Judy Mach Senior Cost Accountant 949-824-6822


Financial Management Support
Name Function Phone
Need help with KFS? Contact the KFS Help Desk at or 949-824-7001.
Su Chen Assistant Director 949-824-4429
Melissa Lee Business Analyst 949-824-5017
Kelly Schoby Help Desk/Trainer 949-824-5308
Michael Webb Business Analyst 949-824-6086


Financial Services
Name Function Phone
Contacting Financial Services is easy! See the Contact Us page of the Financial Services website for more information.
Susan Rose Director 949-824-4687
Carmela Rodriguez Assistant Director 949-824-8265
Sharon Arnold Manager, Business Systems Analysis 949-824-0497
Khoa Ha Senior Financial Analyst 949-824-1940
Asha Loganda Business Systems Analyst 2 949-824-7081
Nicole Rivera Office Administrator 949-824-6918
Josefina Robles General Accountant 949-824-4213
Payment Services
Aaron Bryant Manager, University Cashiers 949-824-3740
Lindsay Carroll Manager, Payment Card Programs and Compliance 949-824-4657
Joana Figueroa Cashier, Payment Services 949-824-4655
Sandra Olson MarketPlace Analyst 949-824-5657
Nicholas Troup PCI ISA Analyst 949-824-6921
Reggie Urcia Cashier, Payment Services 949-824-4656
Fax Number - 949-824-3252
Loan Services and Campus Billing and Collections
Julie Magana Manager of Campus Billing & Collections 949-824-4689
Rosanna Bonus Financial Services Analyst 2 (Non-Student Receivables) 949-824-0223
Jami Muniz Financial Services Analyst 2 (Student Receivables) 949-824-4686
Eileen Regalado Senior Collections Representative (Non-Student Receivables) 949-824-4684
Kristina Teller Senior Collections Representative (Student Accounts) 949-824-4685
Sarah Ure Senior Collections Representative (Student Accounts) 949-824-4206
Laura Van Hua Senior Collections Representative (Student Loans) 949-824-7082
Fax Number - 949-824-6165


General Accounting
Name Function Phone
Evajoy Tito Director – Fiscal & mid-year closings coordination, specialized accounting transactions for the campus, Chart of Accounts, and UCOP financial reporting, Audits. -
Accounting Operations
Frank Say General Accounting Manager – Payroll Financial Reporting and Assessment; Nonresident Reporting and Withholding; Unrelated Business Income Tax Reporting; Glacier System Administrator. 949-824-3647
Trang Tran Chart of Accounts Manager – General Accounting daily operations; Gift Funds; General Ledger inquiries; Fiscal Closing training and processing. 949-824-5538
Michael Chung Credit card bank inquiries; bank reconciliations; inventory accounting, accounting for bank wire transactions; work study account set up and fund allocation; chart of accounts maintenance. 949-824-0472
Edward Hsieh Payroll Financial Reporting and Assessment; Payroll Account Reconciliation; KFS Suspense Account Management. 949-824-4511
Trini Lee Awards account-fund set up (non C&G); endowment funds; general ledger and online financial system application inquiries; incoming wire transfers & ACH transactions; interlocation transfer of funds; bank inquiries for campus and Medical Center depositories. 949-824-6818
Benita Ma Agency funds; auxiliary and service enterprise operating statements; Special State Appropriation Funds; fiscal close coordinator; tracking of OP FJEs (hand posting entries) and review of FCCS/AWS reports; campus STIP distribution coordination. 949-824-7200
Kimberly Peralta Payroll Financial Reporting and Assessment; Payroll Account Reconciliation, Accounts Payable Bank Reconciliation; Work Study Account Management. 949-824-5138
Srey Tung Intercampus accounting (financial control); SOM lockbox, MC incoming EFTs, UPS lockbox, and outgoing wires bank inquiries; general ledger inquiries; stale-dated & unclaimed vendor check write-off processing. 949-824-4460
PP&E, Bond, and Third Party
Wan Tung Plant Accounting Manager. Bond and debt service; capital expenditures; construction projects; P&P capitalization; plant funds; state claims - capital outlays. 949-824-6055
Han Chen Accounting for capitalized equipment, software, libraries, and special collections; equipment depreciation; lease accounting; campus financial schedules; bond audits. 949-824-6161


Payroll Services
Name Function Phone
Have a Question About Payroll or Timesheets? Contact the UCI Employee Experience Center (login required) or call 949-824-0500.
Juan Diaz Director 949-824-9393
Payroll Systems
Bernard Dandan Sr. Financial Payroll Analyst 949-824-9393
Dave Nachreiner Central Timekeeping Administrator 949-824-9393
Payroll Case Management & Production Support
Tammy Maciel Payroll Supervisor 949-824-9393
Jessica Buhagiar Sr. Payroll Analyst 949-824-9393
Keziah Morris Payroll Analyst 949-824-9393
Marc Regis Payroll Analyst 949-824-9393
Joseph Winfery Payroll Analyst 949-824-9393


Name Function Phone
Have a Question About UCPath at UCI? Contact the UCI Employee Experience Center or call 949-824-0500.
Georgana Thompson Simonowitz Director 949-824-0950
Andrea Garrison UCPath Training & Transactor Support 949-824-0500
Sylvia Jeung Business Analyst 949-824-0500
Debbie Kistler Manager of Change, Communications, and Training 949-824-0500
Andrea Knaub Business Analyst / Communications Lead 949-824-0500
Jesse Madrigal Business Analyst 949-824-0500
Sheila A. Mercer UCPath Training and Transactor Support 949-824-0500
Peter Stacholy UCPath General Ledger Lead 949-824-0500