KFS-PCS and Cost Shared Salaries
If the Federal or Federal flow-through award includes salaries in the mandatory or voluntary committed cost sharing approved by the sponsor, departments are required to complete a KFS Cost Sharing Report for each budget period of the award, and PIs are required to review and certify cost sharing in the KFS Cost Sharing System before salaries can be certified in the PCS report.
Warning Message
Note that an error message will be generated in PC Preview Screen if cost sharing has not been entered into the Cost Sharing System.
If you see this message in the PC Preview Screen, you will need to complete the Cost Sharing Report prior to initiating the PCS report.
Close the PC Preview Screen.
Click Cost Share link under Actions column and complete the Cost Sharing Report.
If you do not see Cost Share under Actions column and cost sharing is required, please declare the Type of Cost Sharing. This additional step is required because based on the KFS Award Document PCS automatically detects total cost sharing amount for the entire award, but the amount of cost sharing required for each budget period and the type of cost sharing are not specified in KFS.
For more information, please visit Cost Sharing on Contracts & Grants Accounting. The online training course, CGS #5 - Cost Sharing, is available in UCLC.