2023-24 Fiscal Year-End Close
This website provides instructions and guidance in the preparation for the annual closing process. This is provided with the intent to assist in coordinating the needs of academic and administrative departments with the requirements of the Office of the President (OP), the University, the Accounting & Fiscal Services Department, and other service departments.
Collectively, we are required to meet the deadlines established for the University’s internal close procedures and comply with deadlines set-forth by OP. To better assist departments in meeting the required deadlines during the fiscal closing process, the attachment “Calendar of Deadlines and Important Dates” have been organized by due dates. Adhere to the deadlines set by your dean or other administrative officer if they precede those listed below.
All departments should utilize the Kuali Financial System (KFS) to record financial activity as appropriate. This year’s fiscal year-end closing process will follow the same general timeline as the prior year with minor changes to certain cutoffs. For the campus at large, closing procedures for June 2024 (period 12) will be completed in KFS.
2023-2024 Fiscal Year Close Memo
All instructions and deadlines for Fiscal Close are contained in the 2023-24 Fiscal Year-End Close Information and Dates memo from Barry Oh, Assistant Vice Chancellor and Controller.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we work together to close the fiscal year. If you have questions that are not addressed on this website or in the fiscal close memo, please contact kfs@uci.edu or 949-824-7001.
All Fiscal Year-End Close communications will be sent to the AFS-Update mailing list this year. Subscribe to the mailing list below:
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