Access to Financial Reports

Access to financial reports and most of UCI's administrative systems is granted via the Kuali Security Access Maintenance System (KSAMS). Your Department Security Administrator (DSA) grants you special "roles" in KSAMS. These roles determine your level of access.

For Kuali Financial System Users

Most KFS users already have access to UCI's financial reports. If you have access to the following KFS roles, you should be able to view most reports:

  • KFS-SYS - Basic Financial User C & G
  • KFS-SYS - User

If you're not sure if you have one of these roles, go to KSAMS Current Access to review the roles you've been granted.

Central and Special Reports: Access to any other central or special reports can be granted via the following role in KSAMS:

  • DS-KFS - KFS Decision Support Central Office

For All Other Employees

If you need to view KFS Reports and do not have one of the roles listed above, access to most campus general ledger reports can granted through the following KSAMS role:

  • DS-KFS - KFS Decision Support Report Viewer

Speak to your Department Security Administrator (DSA) if you do not have access to KFS Reports. You can see who your DSA is by going to KSAMS Current DSAs.

Where to Find Reports

Log into ZotPortal and go to the KFS tab. All reports are located in the Decision Support portlet. All of the reports discussed in this site are located in three sections:

  • Chart of Accounts - Lookups
  • General Ledger - Campus Reports
  • General Ledger - Ad Hoc Templates

Custom Report Access

Decision Support users can create their own financial reports using Cognos, but doing so requires a higher level of technical ability and user support is limited. For users who wish to create their own reports using Cognos, your DSA should grant you:

  • DS-KFS - KFS Decision Support Advanced User

See the Ad Hoc Reports page for more information.