Keep Your Personal Information Updated in UCPath

payroll personal information summary location

payroll-button-ucp-online-2x.png Employees can update their personal information, including home address, directly from UCPath Online. Reviewing and updating your personal information in UCPath is as easy as 1, 2, 3:

  1. Go to UCPath Online.
  2. Go to 'Personal Information Summary' (on your dashboard) and expand the appropriate section.
  3. Review and update your information and click ‘Save’.

Remember to update your information with other service providers too, including Fidelity, your local HR or Payroll office and other service providers, as needed.

Important Reminders

Here are some important reminders about keeping your personal information up to date in UCPath:

  • Review your home address

    It’s important that UC has a valid, current address so you don’t miss benefits information, your paper paycheck (for those not enrolled in direct deposit), and other important information. Also, if you leave UC and decide to keep your Retirement Plan accumulations in the plan, it’s important to keep your address up to date so UC can reach you.

    Please note, paper paychecks are always mailed to the home address, even if you add a mailing address to your personal information.

  • Review your secondary email address

    If you are retiring or leaving UCI, UC needs your secondary email address to invite you to log into the “UCPath Former Employee Portal” where you will be able to access your earnings statements, W-2 forms, and other important documentation.