Getting Started

Starting with the right tools helps every project run smoothly. Here are some tips to help you get set up before you initiate a new Disbursement Voucher in KFS.

Ensure Payee is Ready to Receive a Payment

Employees All active UCI employees can be selected as payees in a Disbursement Voucher.
Vendors When a Vendor needs to be paid, ensure they have been onboarded into the Kuali Vendor Onboarding system.
Students Payments to students using Payment Reason Codes B, L, I, P, or Z can be processed using the students Student ID number. Students being paid under any other Payment Reason Code must be onboarded into the Kuali Vendor Onboarding system.

Ensure that you are using the correct eDoc

There are some payment types that should not be paid with a disbursement voucher. Before a Disbursement Voucher is initiated, the initiator should consult the Purchasing Methods Guide.

Prepare Supporting Documentation

Having the proper supporting documentation will ensure a quicker reimbursement process. Travel Accounting has a Supporting Document Guide to help you ensure that all required documents are included in your reimbursement request.

Some Payment Reason Codes require additional documentation. For more information please see Accounts Payable’s Disbursement Voucher Payment Reason Codes.