Email Notifications and Certification

Electronic Traveler Certification

Travelers are required to certify the expenses being reimbursed per UC Policy. The Travel Reimbursement will automatically route to the traveler for electronic approval. The traveler may receive an email requesting certification or the traveler may look in their action list to certify their document. When opening the Travel Reimbursement for certification, the traveler should scroll down to the Traveler Certification tab, select the check box, then select the approve button on the bottom of the page.

  • Click on the Employee Certification check box.


  • Click the Approve button.


Email Notifications

When a UCI Employee needs to approve a KFS eDoc, an email will be sent letting the approver know. The email incudes a link to the approver’s action list and a link to the approver’s action list preferences.


Action List

Action list emails cannot be resent by the KFS help desk. If an approver knows they have a document to approve, they can go to, click on their action list and select the appropriate document. 

  • Go toZotPortal and log in using your UCInetID and password.


  • Click on the Finances/KFS tab.


  • In the Tools and Support Portlet, click the KFS Action List link.


  • Click on the document number to open the TR.
