TEM Profile FAQ
Below are some frequently asked questions. Click any question to expand the answer.
If the students are not UCI employees they will not be able to create a TEM profile. For non-employee students, the one-time payee feature in the reimbursement document can be used. The students would then need to sign a Non-employee Certification report to certify their trip (they do not go into KFS at all).
- Depending on which campus server you’re connected to, it can take up to an hour for the new arranger information to update.
- If it’s been more than an hour, have the person check their action list. Sometimes people add an arranger and save their document, but don’t submit it. If the document has not been submitted it will appear in the person’s action list.
- Sometimes when editing their profile, the payee might have missed selecting the ‘add’ button in order to add you as an arranger and submit the document.
- Possibility 1: The person already has created their profile in the past, in which case they can edit it to change things.
- Possibility 2: The person created a TEM Profile but due to changes in their appointment their profile is inactive. Arrangers for the traveler can reactivate the TEM Profile by choosing the Active "Both" radio button, editing the profile and checking the active box in the profile, and submitting the document.
- Possibility 3: When people used shared computers, some computer browsers are set to save someone else’s log in information from a previous session. One way to test this is to have the user open a requisition document. Because the logged in user already has a profile created, no button will appear. If this is the case, have the users clear the cookies/cashe on the computer browser they are using, and re-log in to ZotPortal.
New employees who used to be students can sometimes have two UCInetIDs in error. This can happen when the Payroll creator enters information that does not match the student's current information (like different tax ID number, etc). To verify this, the employee can search for their name in the UCI Directory, and may see separate entries (with two UCINetIDs). The employee should contact OIT oit@uci.edu immediately and have them merge their UCInetID’s into one.
- Selecting the TEM Profile Lookup takes you to a lookup screen that only shows employees that you have access to as an arranger, and that have a current TEM Profile. You can see all employees that you are an arranger for and that have a Profile by selecting the ‘search’ button at the bottom of the lookup screen.
- Do not click on the magnifying glass icon next to the Principal Name field, unless you want to look up someone’s UCInetID (since this is a separate lookup screen). Selecting the Principal Name lookup will take you to the Person lookup (which shows all employee names/information), and populates the UCInetID field in the TEM Profile Lookup. However, if the traveler/payee does not have a profile or you are not an arranger them, you will not be able to populate your TEM document with their information.

No, only TEM documents (TR, RELO, ENT, TA) require a TEM profile (since travel/events are more detailed and may contain semi-sensitive information about a person or organization). The Disbursement Voucher is a Financial Processing Document, and thus the “profile” and “arranger” concept does not exist in that module.
- Check to see if the previous reimbursement you performed was actually using a TEM document, and was reimbursing them as an ‘employee’ and not a one-time-payee.
- There may been a change in an employee’s Primary Department Code. This happens sometimes when an employee has a split appointment or any sort of funding update done in Payroll (as the KSAMS/KFS primary department is derived from the Organization of the most recent account-fund entered in Payroll). If this is the case, the employee’s Department Security Administrator can contact OIT (oit@uci.edu) and request that the employee’s Primary Department Code have an Override done. (They should include the employee’s name, UCInetID, and new primary department code in the email)
- There may be a change in the employee’s payroll status.
- If an employee’s appointment status is inactive, they won’t be able to create a TEM Profile.
- If the employee’s appointment had ended, their TEM profile may have been inactivated. The department payroll coordinator should be consulted to ensure their appointment is active/current. Arrangers can use the TEM Profile Report to search for inactive TEM Profiles.
- The TEM Profile Report shows all employees that have created a TEM Profile (as of the last night ledger jobs were ran). Additionally, it shows whom in the department is a cardholder, and whom the person’s individual arrangers are.
- If the employee has created their TEM profile, the report will show their Primary Department Code and any individual arrangers that are in the employee’s TEM profile. Users can search for active and inactive profiles. TEM Organization Profile Arrangers are not shown, as they are a role in KSAMS.
- The TEM Profile Report is located in the KFS Decision Support portlet under the Chart of Accounts-Lookups heading.