Fiscal Close Deadline for TEM and DV is June 16
Sent to the AFS-Update mailing list on June 13, 2023
All Travel and Event Management (TEM) documents and Disbursement Vouchers (DV) must be submitted, scanned, fully approved, and in Travel Accounting’s action list by 4 p.m. on Friday, June 16, to be recorded as expenses for FY 2023-24. Please ensure all back up documentation has been uploaded in the Image Scanning tab as Travel Accounting cannot review or approve eDocs without supporting documentation.
- If you miss the June 16 deadline, DO NOT hold the documents. Submit your documents and be sure supporting documents are scanned. The Travel Accounting team will make every effort to post them to the June ledger. DO NOT submit new year (FY 2023-24) transactions until July 1.
- Review older documents for notes that Travel Accounting has added requesting additional supporting documents or approvals. We are making every effort to contact the initiator as well to inform them of any additional requirements.
Reminder: PREQs Must be Final to Post to Ledger
The PREQ document was updated in April so that Payment Requests that are enroute and waiting on fiscal officer approval do not post to the ledger until they become Final or Processed. During fiscal year end, please be mindful of invoices from vendors dated June 30 and earlier. These Prior Fiscal Year dated invoices must be fully approved and in FINAL status by 8 p.m. on July 7 in order to post to the GL for Period 12.
All PREQs for amounts of $10K and greater require approval by the department’s fiscal officer to finalize. Subaward PREQ documents require fiscal officer approval no matter the amount, as well. This approval holds up payment. Previously, an enroute PREQ would not stop it from posting to the GL.
If you have any questions, please contact the Travel Accounting team in Accounts Payable at