Fiscal Officer Delegate Guide
Fiscal Officer Delegates
Fiscal Officer Delegates can significantly impact the workflow of your KFS e-documents, preventing delays in document processing. We suggest every Fiscal Officer have a secondary delegate assigned at all times.
Fiscal Officer Delegates—sometimes called Account Delegates—are KFS users that are authorized to take workflow actions on a document in the place of an account's Fiscal Officer. An authorized delegate can take any action that is available to a Fiscal Officer, including the power to approve and disapprove transactions. Departments should set up delegates as backups for all accounts to avoid delaying the approval of documents when the fiscal officer is unable to take action.
Primary Delegate Vs Secondary Delegate
Primary Delegate
The Primary Delegate Role is recommended for departments whose Fiscal Officer will be on an extended leave. When a Primary Delegate is assigned, the Fiscal Officer will not see their action list items. The Primary Delegate will see the Fiscal Officer’s action list items that they have been given access to.
Secondary Delegate
The Secondary Delegate role is recommended for all departments. When a Secondary Delegate is assigned, both the Fiscal Officer and the Secondary Delegate can see the Fiscal Officer’s action list items that they have access to.
Delegate Access
Access for delegates can be granted by using either the Account Delegate or the Account Delegate Global eDoc by whomever has the Chart of Accounts Maintenance User role.
The Account Delegate Global eDoc allows users to assign one or more delegates to many accounts at one time. All existing delegates will be automatically replaced with the new setup defined in each new account Delegate Global eDoc.
For example:
- If Sue is a department manager and wants to remove David as a delegate and add Vincent to replace David, Sue can simply add Vincent as a delegate using the Account Delegate Global eDoc. When Vincent is added David will be automatically removed.
- If Sue wants to keep David as a Delegate and add Vincent as a delegate to the same accounts, then she would create an Account Delegate Global eDoc and add both David and Vincent to the same accounts on the eDoc.
Delegate Approval
The system cannot re-route eDocs already submitted, so delegates need to be set up in advance to avoid documents getting stuck.
Instructions on how to set your action list for Fiscal Office Delegate approval, can be found on the Account Delegate Settings section of the Kuali Financial System Basics Guide.
Delegates by KFS Document Type
Delegates can be assigned by KFS Document type or module. It is important to remember that there is a hierarchical element to the KFS document types. Selecting document type “KFS” will give the Account Delegate access for all KFS transactions for the KFS account that they are assigned to, however if one delegate is assigned "KFS" and another delegate for the same account(s) is assigned a specific document type such as “GEC”(General Error Correction), than the ‘lower’ or more specific document type will override the “KFS” delegation.
For example:
- David is assigned document type KFS (for all KFS Transactions) and Vincent is assigned document type GEC. Once Vincent is made a delegate for GEC’s, David loses his delegate status for GEC’s. David has to be added as a delegate for document type KFS and GEC if he and Vincent should both be delegates for the same accounts.
Things to consider when the Accounting Reviewer is also the Fiscal Officer Delegate
When an eDoc routes to you and you approve, the KFS system will assume you are approving for all responsibilities assigned to you, including delegation authority. This means, if you are approving a document with multiple accounts, you will also approve for all accounts where you are the Fiscal Officer delegate.
In addition, if you are the delegate for a Fiscal Officer, and the Accounting Reviewer for the particular organization in which the account belongs to, your approval will also count for both the Fiscal Officer and Accounting Reviewer roles.