Disbursement Voucher E-Document

The Disbursement Voucher e-document is used in the Kuali Financial System to reimburse employees, students, nonemployees and vendors for expenses incurred while conducting university business.

After all approvals are complete, the Disbursement Voucher generates a payment (either by check or ACH) to the payee. To ensure that adequate internal control standards are met, a payment issued to reimburse expenses is delivered directly to the payee. Payments are not delivered to any of the individuals involved in the approval or payment preparation process.

Supporting Documentation: Disbursement Vouchers require supporting documentation. The Supporting Documentation Guideexplains what is required for different types of payments.

Approval: Disbursement Vouchers must be approved by the appropriate individuals in accordance with UC, UCI, and department policy. Information about Disbursement Voucher approval workflow is available in the KFS Workflow Guide. In some cases, exceptional approval may be required.

Disbursement Vouchers can be used to reimburse the following expenses:

  • Prizes and Cash Awards to non-employees
  • Gifts & Non-cash Awards made to UCI employees or non-employees
  • Emergency Purchases under $500 (no food/travel)
  • Payments to Research Participants
  • Honoraria
  • Utilities, Freight, Postage, Storage Rental
  • Medical, Health Care or Insurance Payment
  • Non-Travel Registrations
  • Agency Agreements and Contracts
  • Fees, Licenses, Employee Tuition
  • Program Sponsorships for Educational/Research Related Study or Charitable Events
  • Claims, Settlements or Tax payments

This list is not all-inclusive. For more information about valid reasons for payment, see the payment reason codes page. Always ensure that the Disbursement Voucher is the correct method of reimbursement. It should not be used to circumvent purchasing policy or for travel reimbursements.

Examples of when it is not appropriate to use a Disbursement Voucher:

  • Any travel related expenses. A Travel Reimbursement eDoc should be created.
  • Any meetings, event, or entertainment expenses. An Entertainment Reimbursement or a Travel Reimbursement eDoc should be created for these expenses.
  • Any moving or relocation expenses. A Moving and Relocation Reimbursement eDoc should be created.
  • Any Services, Advertising, or Contracts. A purchase order should be created for services, advertising or contracts.
  • Anonymous Human Subject Payments, unless reimbursing the PI or researcher. Options to pay Anonymous Participants is listed in policy 701-03, section D.
  • Most supplies and materials purchase except for emergencies (always follow purchasing policy).