Employees with Multiple Jobs & Timesheet Profiles

Sent to the TRS-Update mailing list on Oct. 31

Important reminder to all DTAs about TRS behavior and known system limitations for employees who hold multiple jobs at UCI – this may be experienced with the newly added GSR and ASE populations.

Employees with Multiple UCPath Jobs

TRS loads one Assignment per UCPath Job, so employees with multiple TRS-eligible UCPath Jobs will have multiple Assignments in TRS and thus, multiple timesheets in TRS, too.

TRS Timesheet Profiles

Profile ID

Profile Name

Corresponding UCPath Pay Group(s)


Biweekly Non-Exempt Hourly

B7, ST


Monthly Exempt Salary

ME, AC, HS, SP, PF, PD, M5, M7, M8, M9


Biweekly Exempt Hourly



Biweekly Exempt Salary



Monthly Exempt Hourly



Unsupported Pay Groups:

BX, B8, 56, WOS, CWR

Multiple Timesheet Profiles

Employees with multiple Jobs belonging to more than one Timesheet Profile will not have all assignments loaded into TRS, in this scenario only the first job available will load to TRS.


Employee holds 2 active jobs: Record 0 Monthly Exempt Salary (Profile 2) and Record 1 Monthly Exempt Hourly (Profile 5). TRS will only load the first available job and will error out the second.

Employees in this scenario will only see the timesheet(s) for the jobs that successfully loaded to TRS.

We understand that while Monthly Salary jobs only need to report leave takes, Hourly jobs need to report positive time worked to receive pay. If a decision is made to have the Hourly job be the one that is loaded into TRS please submit an EEC case to the Central Time Administrator group for assistance with manual updates to TRS.

Note that any takes for the Monthly Salary job will need to be reported/documented outside of TRS.

Have Questions or Need Help?

For questions or TRS support, employees should contact their supervisor/manager or Department Time Administrator (DTA). DTAs requiring TRS support/assistance can contact the Central Payroll team by logging into UCI’s Employee Experience Center and selecting Click for Help to submit a local EEC inquiry:

  • Category: Payroll and Time Reporting
  • Sub-category: Time Reporting System (TRS) and Timesheet Inquiry

Employees may also call 949-824-0500 to speak to a local EEC associate from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday – Friday.